Just some oak and some pine and a handful of Norsemen

20 July, 2011 § 1 Comment

When it comes to books and movies, Holly and I have a pretty healthy collection. Not the healthiest, by any means, but healthy enough. In any case, our collection of each was a bit too large for our storage space. Our bookcase was about three feet high and had three shelves. Books were doubled up on each shelf (packed two deep) and even stacked another couple feet on top of the case. Our DVD rack was shorter, but maybe half a foot wider. Movies were again packed two deep and even piled on top of each other. I never got any pictures of our bookshelf, but here’s one of the DVD rack:

So lately we’ve been looking around for a new bookcase and DVD rack. The bookcase is in our bedroom. The picture above was taken in our living room. We also wanted both in the living room. Not finding anything that we really liked (or that was inside our price range) online, we decided to visit IKEA. If you’ve never been there, IKEA is kind of a big deal. We’d never been to one, but had driven by the local IKEA many times in the past.

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