Pill Poppin’

27 May, 2012 § 2 Comments

 Saturday, 26 May 2012
For days I’ve had these two packages of pills sitting on my desk. I bought them the other day but was unsure of what to do with them. Yesterday evening, I had an idea: let’s grow them.

The time was approximately six thirty in the evening. I was tired of sorting, cleaning, organizing, lifting, carrying, and rearranging things (because those are the sorts of things I do when I’m home alone all weekend). I needed some excitement — I needed an adventure.

And then I remembered the pills. Holly and I were out running errands the other day — we visited the Asian World Market and bought about six million exotic snack foods and packs of ramen noodles, finally saw the new Hunger Games movie, and then stopped at the grocery store for some much-needed essentials. It was there, at the grocery store, that I discovered the pills: colorful, mystical, wonderful, magical pills.
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